Monday, September 1, 2014


Time is flying. Summer has taken us all out of our routines and thrown us for a loop. It is has been wonderful, exciting, exhausting, and a bit overwhelming to say the least. So, as we wrap up the end of the season this weekend, I'm in some ways sad to see it go, but also looking forward to welcoming routines, normalcy, and all of the comforts that come with the return of fall. 

I'm sure there are many of you that feel the same way. It's nice to enjoy a sense of freedom and spend time with family and friends during the summer, but it's also nice to dial it back a notch, wait for the cooler weather to move in, enjoy the colors and flavors of the fall, and reflect on all that we have to be thankful for. 

So, I've decided to embrace all of the blessings I have in my life this season. Blessings that have given me the opportunity to grow as a wife, mother, advocate, and human being. 

Attending the first Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Conference at the beginning of the summer really set the tone for what was to come. Before I left for the conference I was excited, but also very nervous. I was worried that I would be overwhelmed with emotion and that parts of the conference and meeting the other families would be difficult. But, I couldn't have been more wrong. It's impossible to put my experience into words. All I seem to be able to tell people is that it was awesome, because it really was. 

I found myself at a moment in time - the only moment, in fact, in the last two and a half years that I didn't feel out of place. I didn't feel like I needed to explain myself, my child, or my situation. Because we were "home". In a group of people from all over the world who understood, embraced, and supported one another without judgement. And that was amazing. 

So, as I count my blessings, I think first and foremost I want to say "Thank You" to our MWS Family. Thank you for your understanding, your friendship, your heart-warming words and embraces, and most of all, thank you for being you, loving your children, and encouraging those of us who are still relatively new to this journey. You may never know what you mean to my family and the ways in which you have inspired us, but you have and for that, I cannot thank you enough. 

Another blessing that I am counting is that of each of my children. Everyday they seem to grow faster and keep us busier than the day before. Each is so unique, yet so dependent on the others. I always knew that our family dynamic would be different than any I was familiar with, but I could never have prepared myself for how beautiful it is becoming.

I see the kids' personalities blooming as they grow. Cole is becoming the most incredible big brother. He is so gentle and caring with both Xander and Ella; helping and teaching and celebrating each of their new accomplishments as much, if not more, than I do. 

Xander has recently become Mr. Explorer. Whether his increased independence in feeding and play has been sparked by Ella taking over the "baby of the family" position or by his own curiosity, it is truly a joy to watch him crawl all over the bottom floor. No longer is he inhibited by the carpet to tile texture change - the house is his playground and he is more than comfortable taking off on his own to explore, only becoming upset when he gets himself stuck under chairs or tables and can't seem to figure a way out. 

And finally, Ella. Our newest addition that I can't imagine life without. She is bringing us all such joy that I get emotional just thinking of it. She is the constant sunshine that binds our family together and lets us grow as one. Her smile is infectious and she watches both of her brothers intently, learning from them at a speed that I couldn't have fathomed a few short months ago. 

So, I am thankful - thankful for each of my children and thankful that I am their mother and am privileged to share in their joys, accomplishments, and love. 

My final blessing that I'm counting tonight is my husband. He is our rock; maintaining focus and striving for the betterment of our family on a daily basis. All too often I find myself so caught up in my roll as a mother that I neglect my role as a wife. So, I would like to thank him for his patience and understanding as I strive to find more balance in my life and in this season of change. 

May you all find more balance, count your blessings, and be thankful for the priceless gifts you've been given.  

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