Friday, May 8, 2015

Be the Good

I've started this blog post several times now.

Over the last few months our family has been through quite a transition. And between that and just the daily back and forth of life in general, I've repeatedly gotten distracted and been unable to put the words together.

But, even with the delays and distractions, the same message is calling to me. It's been showing itself in different ways, but over and over again I find myself wanting to model and encourage others to "Be the Good".

It seems that we're constantly bombarded by all of the horrible, senseless, and inexplicable things that are happening in this world. We're all caught up in our daily routines, stresses, and commitments. We're so attached to our technology and countless other distractions, that we forget.

We forget life is passing by. People are passing by. Many times they are people just as distracted, exhausted, and stressed as us, but that is why I think this message is so important. That is why I'm making a commitment to myself to "be the good".

I want to be the one that steps out of my way to be kind to others, Not only because it makes me feel good, but because it may just make them feel good as well. It may turn their day around and remind them that life is happening. It's happening every day and if we keep looking ahead and planning ahead, we're going to miss all that is wonderful and beautiful today.

I also want to do this for my kids. I want to instill in them that it's important to notice others, be kind to others, appreciate others, and embrace all of the amazing things that make each of us unique and important.

I know this is a short one and I have so much to catch everyone up on, but my "distractions" are needing me again and life is calling. So, please, let me leave you with this. Take a moment this weekend to appreciate someone. "Be the Good". Give someone else hope that there are still beautiful people in this world and maybe, just maybe, you'll be the start of something wonderful.

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