Monday, March 21, 2011

Treasure the Moments

As I was casually browsing facebook on my phone earlier, I noticed a posting by one of my old friends and co-workers in Spokane, thanking everyone for their prayers and support during this time.

So, of course, being a facebook snooper as we all are, because why else would we be on facebook? I went to her page to try to figure out what had happened.

As I read back, at all of her wall posts over the last week, I began to cry. I felt so bad, that first of all I hadn't heard the news and second of all, that I have been spending all morning annoyed at the fact that Cole is sick and I can't take him outside to enjoy the sunny weather.

My friend's youngest child was exactly one week younger than Cole and last week she passed away. It sounds as though they are attributing it to SIDS.

I am speechless. What do you say to someone who has suffered such a loss and in such a sudden and unexpected way?

It causes you, as a mother, to question if you would be strong enough to survive something like that. It also puts things in perspective... Who cares if Cole isn't feeling well or puked on me twice yesterday. I am blessed to be his mother, caring for him when he doesn't feel well. Even when I am covered in puke, I feel how much he loves me as he clings to me when he doesn't feel well, needing to be comforted. How selfish am I that I'm annoyed he's not feeling well enough for me to go on a run...

Life has it's way of showing you the things in life that are important and the things that are not. My son, my family, my friends... those are the important things and I plan to embrace each moment I am given with a new appreciation and enthusiasm.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, it is funny how life teaches us lessons. I wish you well in discovering and embracing life's treasures.
